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Couple lack motivation to exercise such as running

Motivation and Goal Setting To Start Exercise

Refer to guest blog posts written by me for more on motivation, goal setting, and finding ways to start exercise with busy lifestyle  These blog posts help everyone.   

Lack of Motivation To Start Exercise In 2019

Are you having trouble starting an active lifestyle in 2019 to achieve your New Year's Resolution of starting exercise?  Motivation and goal-setting are two common performance related issues that individuals who participate in exercise of all levels seek the services provided by a performance enhancement consultant.  As a performance enhancement consultant, I offer to help individuals who take part in exercise learn performance enhancement skills to start, maintain, and reach peak in exercise.  Individuals starting exercise in 2019 learn performance enhancement skills in working together with a performance enhancement consultant during consultation sessions to solve those performance issues mentioned above as well as other issues that negatively impact their ability to start an active lifestyle or reach peak performance.  This includes strategies in building confidence, forming positive routines, learning proper goal setting techniques, focusing on proper aspects of performance to give yourself the best chance to experience success, and focusing on positive aspects of performance.  Other techniques include strategies to prevent overtraining, injury, and burnout.  After consultation sessions, an exerciser experiences increase in confidence and motivation level from gaining knowledge in forming positive routines, forming habits, maintaining positive routines, maintaining habits, and having knowledge on other tools to help them start, maintain, and perform at their peak in exercise.  We help individuals of all different age groups start an active lifestyle.  This includes school-age individuals, young individuals, mothers, and busy parents to start exercise.


Trouble Starting Exercise In 2019?

Personal trainers focus on designing exercise programs and performing exercises using the correct form.  A performance enhancement consultant does not do those two tasks mentioned above.  In contrast to a personal trainer, a performance enhancement consultant goes much more in-depth in using performance enhancement skills to help you start, maintain, and perform at your peak in exercise during a consultation session.  I offer a different and broader view on physical activity and exercise that does not only include physical activities and exercises completed at a gym.  I make physical activity and exercise fun by helping individuals pick physical activities that they consider fun and enjoyable.  A single session that consists of 20 or 30 consecutive minutes of physical activity or exercise could be a daunting task for an individual starting or resuming an active lifestyle.  I offer to break down the physical activity or exercise into manage sessions for those individuals.  My services also include helping you schedule physical activities or exercises for the week, so that we can work around common obstacles such as lack of time and lack of motivation.  I also offer to help individuals manage their time better and establish a positive routine related to doing physical activity and exercise.  Refer to my blog post on Finding Ways To Exercise As A Busy Mom for more information on ways to get exercise with a busy lifestyle  For tips on setting goals related to exercise, refer to my blog post on Achieving Your Fitness Goals In 2019 As A Busy Mum  These blog posts help everyone and not only moms.   

Other commmon scenarios that exercisers of all levels seek the services offered by a performance enhancement consultant are listed below.

  • lack of confidence in ability to maintain peak performance

  • lack of confidence to improve performance

  • lack of motivation following peak performance

  • lack of motivation due to poor performances

  • trouble establishing routine

  • trouble establishing habit

  • trouble starting exercise

  • trouble sticking with exercise

  • not accomplishing goals 

  • not improving performance

  • overtraining

  • injury prevention/recovery

  • burnout prevention/recovery


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