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Sports Performance Consulting Session With Athlete 

male youth athletes playing in basketball game
young female golfer hitting a shot from fairway

Sport Psychology Techniques Improve Athletic Performance​

Athletes participate in sports for a variety of reasons such as passion for sports, parents’ request, or scholarship for higher education.  Athletes of all levels desire to perform at their peak consistently under stressful and intense conditions in competition regardless of reason or reasons to take part in sports.  Performance enhancement skills used in performance psychology is also used in sport psychology to improve the performance of athletes.  As a performance enhancement consultant, I use performance enhancement skills to help athletes develop a strong mindset to give themselves the best chance to perform well during competition.  People inside and outside the sports world determined an athlete’s success based on winning during competition. 


I do one on one private individual performance consulting sessions.  Performance consulting sessions can also be done in groups.  


The first session involves gathering information related to an athlete's past performances.  We introduce the athlete to performance enhancement skills to improve his or her performance.  We establish a plan specifically designed to meet each individual athlete’s needs to improve aspects of his or her performance in future sessions. 


The topics frequently covered include goal-setting, focusing on proper aspects of performance to increase the likelihood of experiencing success, transferring performance from practice to competition, strategies against negative self-talk, motivation, routines, myths related to confidence, addressing positive aspects of performance, injury prevention/recovery, and burnout prevention/recovery.


Athletes book your session to unlock your full potential today!  

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